The “Adopt-A-Kid” program, supported by former Daraga Mayor Victor Perete, has gained admiration for its innovative approach to fostering inclusivity and compassion. Organized by the Daraga Rainbow Alliance, this heartwarming initiative gave members of the LGBTQ+ community a unique opportunity to experience the joys and responsibilities of parenthood for a day.
Participants paired with children from their respective barangays, accompanying them on an educational and recreational visit to the Albay Park and Wildlife. The program allowed LGBTQ+ individuals to nurture and care for children, giving them a glimpse into the life of a parent. This one-day experience fostered understanding, empathy, and stronger bonds between different sectors of the community.
Victor Perete, who actively supported the program, highlighted the importance of creating inclusive spaces where everyone, regardless of gender or background, feels valued. He expressed gratitude for the overwhelming participation and underscored the joy of witnessing the children and participants share heartfelt moments of connection.
The initiative not only provided children with a memorable day of learning and fun but also empowered LGBTQ+ members to explore the role of a caregiver, breaking stereotypes and promoting deeper understanding of family dynamics.
The “Adopt-A-Kid” program is a testament to Perete’s commitment to inclusivity and progress. It serves as a model for other communities to replicate, demonstrating how simple acts of compassion can create lasting impacts and strengthen unity.
Through this initiative, the LGBTQ+ community was given the opportunity to embrace parenthood, even for a day, proving that love, care, and responsibility transcend labels and identities.
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